What is VisitWales.com?

VisitWales.com is the official international consumer website for tourism in Wales.

It’s a hub of inspiration and information for those looking to find out more about Wales as a place to visit on a short break or holiday, or for business. It’s also our gateway for further information about Business Events and Travel Trade opportunities.

For further information about Wales as a country visit Wales.com; or visit the Trade and Invest Wales website to find out about business opportunities in Wales.

This website is run by Visit Wales, the team within Welsh Government responsible for the development and promotion of the visitor economy in Wales.

Our ambition is to grow tourism for the good of Wales: generating economic, environmental, cultural and health benefits that enrich the lives of our visitors and local communities. Our role is to support and enable our partners to grow the tourism sector for the future.

Visit the Welsh Government website for information about the devolved government for Wales. More information about our approach can be found in the document - Welcome to Wales: priorities for the visitor economy 2020 to 2025.

I'm looking for information in a different language

VisitWales.com is aimed at a wide-range of English speaking audiences globally.

Versions of of the site are also available in Welsh and German. North American visitors can also expect a slightly different version of the site. Each website has been specifically produced to meet the needs of these different audiences.

You can also find basic introductory information about Wales as a place to visit on Wales.com in English, Welsh, German, French and Spanish. Again, there is a North American version too. There is also a stand-alone Japanese website.

Can I find you on social media?

You can find and follow Visit Wales on the following social media channels:

Can I add my business to the website?

Yes you can - accommodation, attractions and activity businesses in Wales can create a listing on VisitWales.com. These businesses need to meet specific criteria (see the Working with us page).

Find out more about how to update your business listing on VisitWales.com.

I would like to work with you to promote Wales and VisitWales.com – how do I get involved?

We have detailed the ways of working with Visit Wales to make the most of your listing on our Working with us page.

What is your approach to content and inclusivity?

VisitWales.com is a showcase for Wales to grow our economy and promote our communities. The emphasis of the site is not to promote any individual business but on exploring Wales and its regions. There is no financial benefit to any businesses featured.

We’ve developed content and specific articles based on what we know our users are looking for. We use web and social data and search insights to help us do that. We’ve also taken account of the strategic aims and the priorities outlined in the document - Welcome to Wales: priorities for the visitor economy 2020 to 2025.

We aim for geographical spread and a balance of content to showcase the best of what Wales has to offer at a broad level. Where outdoor activities are concerned the information and content here is aimed at the generalist rather than specialist. Many of the articles on the site have been commissioned by Visit Wales and written by independent travel writers.

If you feel that you have a positive or interesting story to share about your tourism business, you can let us know about it by emailing Productnews@gov.wales.

The editorial rules of the road

Where lists are concerned we must cover a good regional spread and present them as must do, ten great or don't miss rather than top ten or five of the best.

All of our content will be reviewed and refreshed on a regular basis. We are always working on improving how we govern and manage our content.

We have made every effort to ensure that a business has the necessary accreditation, grading or industry standards to be included here.

Outdoor activities

We’ve tried to be extra careful when it comes to enjoying the outdoors. That includes ensuring that safety regulations and best practice are adhered to – and the imagery on the site reflects that. Where there is a national governing body for the activity concerned, we have provided a link. Finally, we endeavour to make sure the content, technical and geographical detail included in it is checked with someone who really knows and understands the activity concerned.


Take care out there. Whilst we have made every effort to ensure that the content and information on this website is accurate, up to date and in line with relevant regulations, accreditation and best practice we cannot be held responsible for any accidents of misadventure that might arise. You have a big part to play in your own safety and enjoyment!

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Let's work together

Find out how to feature in our site searches, add your event and engage with us via social media.

Newport beach, Pembrokeshire at dusk.

Get in touch

How to contact the Visit Wales team, for visitors, businesses and to provide feedback.