How to make vegan Glamorgan sausages


2 tablespoons vegetable Oil 

1 large leek, chopped fine

1 clove garlic, minced

handful fresh sage, chopped fine

380g mashed potato

1 tablespoon white miso paste

1 tablespoon mustard

50g vegan cheese, grated

80g breadcrumbs 

pinch sea salt and pepper


200g gram flour mixed with 240ml water

200g plain flour

250g panko breadcrumbs 

pinch sea salt

1 ltr oil for frying 

Garnish with fresh chives and a relish of your choice.


01 Sweat the leek in a large frying pan until soft with the garlic and sage. Then allow to cool.

02 Add the potato, mustard, cheese and miso to a mix bowl and stir well.

03 Add the cooled leeks and breadcrumbs, and mix with your hands until it all comes together.

04 Portion the mix into equal sizes then form into sausages.

05 Coat the sausages first in flour, then gram flour mixture and finally breadcrumbs.

06 Shallow fry the coated sausage until golden.

07 Serve immediately with a relish and a sprinkling of chopped chives.


This recipe is © Gaz Oakley

Vegan Glamorgan sausages on a tray with dip.
Vegan Glamorgan sausages on a tray with dip.

Gaz Oakley's vegan Glamorgan sausages

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