Events are displayed on Visit Wales’ website via our Events Database. If you have an event you would like to list on you can either add the event yourself via the ProductListing.Wales website, or you can complete and return an Event submission form. Please note that the event image needs to be at least 1920 x 1440 pixels in size.

If you would like help using ProductListing.Wales, please contact the Visit Wales Data Steward:

The events we list should not be too ‘hyperlocal’ but a high enough quality to appeal to international visitors as well as domestic ones. There should also be sufficient publicity / web presence or social events (on Facebook for example) surrounding the event to be able to signpost visitors to, should they require more information / directions or prices.


Event must attract a minimum of 200+ attendees.

National significance – would you travel to Wales for this event? Our aim is to attract visitors from key international markets. We strive to:

  • promote and market Wales locally and internationally;
  • build Wales’ reputation as a global events destination;
  • build advocacy from the local community. 

Visit Wales prioritises events that we have financially invested in or offered a level of grant support for hosting their event in Wales.  There may be events that we will feature because of their unique nature and their ability to bring visitors to that specific area or raise the profile for Wales. 

Major events

These are defined by their ability to attract and influence large-scale international audiences and extensive media coverage. The events should deliver economic impact and significant visitor numbers for the host destination. They can command global TV audiences and involve major international sponsors.  They can have a positive impact in influencing specific market segments and in changing attitudes and behaviours.

These international events are not 'owned' by Wales and would have to choose Wales in the face of international competition. Examples include the Ashes Test Match, rugby’s Heineken Cup Final, golf’s Senior Open Championship and WOMEX. 

Signature events

These events can also have a strong international dimension but unlike the category of major events described above they are recurring. They are also either unique to Wales or distinctively Welsh in flavour, and reflect our culture, traditions and values. They enhance the image and cultural identity of Wales and provide a high quality experience for the people of Wales and for visitors.

Successful signature events continuously re-invigorate and replenish their audiences. Examples include established events such as the Hay Festival, the Llangollen International Music Eisteddfod, Cardiff Half Marathon and the Green Man festival.

Growth events

These are typically smaller, often new, events with a footprint and focus that is regional, local or sector led and which demonstrate the ambition and potential to evolve and grow to become major or signature events for Wales. These events can also act as milestones in growing the capacity, experience and credibility of destination Wales, acting as a necessary precursor to the hosting of targeted major events. Examples include Focus Wales and Machynlleth Comedy Festivals.

Aligning with Wales’ thematic years and The Wales Way

There are events taking place across Wales that align with Wales’ thematic ‘Years of’ approach and reflect one or more of Wales' core product strengths namely, adventure, culture and landscape. For example, in 2018 during Wales’ Year of the Sea many new events took place that brought our coasts alive and put our epic shores front and centre of our marketing.

As with all events they must be global in outlook and of high quality that meet the Wales Brand objectives.

  • Elevate our status.
  • Surprise and inspire.
  • Change perceptions.
  • Do good things.
  • Be unmistakably Wales.

We are also keen to promote events that link in with The Wales Way, the Wales Coast Path and Welsh food and drink.

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